Have you ever though of an eco friendly web hosting solution? Internet also has its negative share in harming the environment Internet is no illusion where things happen. We usually blame emissions from factories and vehicles but even web hosting servers contribute to harmful emissions.
I read somewhere that one data center uses electricity equivalent to the consumption of 30,000 homes . This is quite shocking data. There are eco friendly web hosting companies that provide you web host solutions while keeping the environment in mind.
I read somewhere that one data center uses electricity equivalent to the consumption of 30,000 homes . This is quite shocking data. There are eco friendly web hosting companies that provide you web host solutions while keeping the environment in mind.
As a web hosting company if the organization makes even a small effort to reduce emissions then it is remarkable for them. Some web hosting companies have started making efforts to reduce emissions and they must get the credit for being environment friendly. It may be virtually not possible to reduce all of the impact, but there are many ways applying which a good web hosting company can begin to reduce the effect. Eco-friendly web host solutions will include some of the following:
Alternate clean energy sources Some web host providers generate their own electricity thus reducing the usage of power. They focus on the data center or their service farm and calculate the amount of electricity required and ultimately try to generate their own electricity by installing solar powered panels, and wind turbines and replace most of the electricity that the power company supplies. Some data centers use Geothermal energy or hydroelectricity as their alternate energy sources.
Within their data centers they use alternate energy and go green. The best web host solutions for the environment might be a combination of these options. Reduce impact Some companies might go to using propane or other less harmful energy sources to reduce their impact. Some other web hosting companies purchase energy credits or purchase their electricity form green energy companies. Such companies even incorporate electronics that consume less of energy while functioning Systems that are advanced technologically reduce power usage Reduce- Reuse- Recycle.
There are many web hosting companies that use the resources wisely. They maintain an active recycling program. Such organizations create an environment where people turn off lights and equipments when not in use. When selecting a web hosting company for your web site you may also look for a paperless organization. The more efficient the office set up the more energy it can conserve. These are just some of the best web host solutions for eco friendly business practices. Web hosting companies contribute to a lot of carbon emissions.
They may not be able to curb the carbon emissions but they can surely plant trees that can wipe out the effect of carbon emissions.There are many such web hosting companies that follow such practices. Even you can be a part of the go green campaign by contracting with a web host company that is environment friendly.
By Anne Mitsu
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