Mistakes of Salaah (Part 7)
- Carelessness in reciting Al-Faatihah and with proper pronunciation such as saying al-‘Aalimeen instead of al-‘Aalameen, ahdinaa instead of ihdinaa, an’amtu instead of an’amta, and so on. All of these and similar errors are the type of linguistic errors that must be avoided and no one who leads the salaat should commit them. Some may contain impossible meanings such as when one pronounces the “t” (taa’) in “an’amta” as “da” (daad) and thus the salaat would be spoiled.
- 35. Cracking the knuckles in salaah. This is from the detested actions in the salaah and is thus forbidden. As far as cracking the knuckles in general, Ibn Abi Shaibah narrates in a statement with good isnaad, from Shu’bah Mawlaa ibn Abbaas as stating: I prayed next to Ibn Abbaas and I cracked my knuckles so when I finished my salaah he said, “May you lose your mother! You crack your knuckles while you are in salaah?” Forbiddance of cracking the knuckles is transmitted in a marfoo’ hadeeth from Ali in the collection of Ibn Maajah, however, it is weak (da’eef)and not sufficient in an of itself (ghairu munjabir).
(Saalih Ibn Abdul-Azeez Ibn Muhammad Aalish-Shaykh)
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