Saturday, June 9, 2012

40 Commmon Mistakes in Salaat (Part 3)

Mistakes of Salaah (Part 3)

  • Raising the eyes to the sky during salaat or looking to the right and left without due cause. As far as raising the eyes, it is forbidden and bears the threat of punishment. It is narrated by Jabir Ibn Samurah (radiallahu ‘anhu) who said: The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: Let the people stop raising their eyes to the sky in the salaah or let their sight not return to them. [Muslim]
  • As far as looking around unnecessarily, it is a deficiency in the salaah of the worshipper as long as he has not turned his entire body in another direction [i.e. away from the Qiblah]. If however the entire body is turned then the salaah is invalidated. It is narrated by ‘Aisha (radiallahu ‘anhaa) who said: I asked the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) about looking around in the salaah. He said: It is misappropriation pilfered by Shaitaan from the salaah of the worshipper. [Al-Bukhaari]. At-Tirmidhi also collected an authentic hadeeth: Be warned of turning or looking around in the salaah because it is destruction. And there are other ahadeeth on looking around in the salaah.
  • Sitting on one’s haunches (Al-Iq’aa) during the salaah and prostrating with the elbows (Al-Iftiraash) on the ground. Al-Iqaa’ is forbidden as related by Abu Hurairah (radiallahu‘anhu) who said: My dear friend forbade me three things: He forbade me from pecking like a rooster [just touching the head in prostration – trans], sitting on the haunches like a dog, and looking around like a fox. Transmitted by Ahmed and others and its isnaad (chain) has by graded hasan (good) by Al-Mundhiri and Al-Haithami. The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) forbade a man from spreading his arms on the ground like a beast of prey. Summarizing a hadeeth collected by Muslim from ‘Aisha (radiallahu ‘anhaa) as well as by At-Tirmidhi, Ahmed and others from Jaabir (radiallahu ‘anhu) marfoo’an (attributable to the Prophet): If any of you prostrates (sajdah) then keep straight and not spread his arms like the sitting of a dog.
  • Wearing a thin (see-through) garment that does not sufficiently cover the ‘auwrah (private area). This is an invalidator of the salaah because covering one’s ‘auwrah is a condition for a sound salaah. The man’s ‘aurah is - according to what is most authentic – from the navel to the knee. Likewise he must cover his shoulders or one of them1 in accordance with the statement of Allah: O children of Aadam wear you adornments to every masjid. [Al-‘Araaf 31] It is sufficient to wear a single garment to cover the ‘auwrah according to what is narrated from ‘Umar Ibn Salamah (radiallahu ‘anhu): He saw the Messenger of allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam praying in a single garment (thowub) in the house of Umm Salamah, he had cast both ends over himself. [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim] Ibn Qudaamah (rahimahullah) stated: It is obligatory to cover sufficiently to hide the color of the skin, for if it is thin enough that the color of the skin may be seen from behind to the extent that the whiteness or redness of the skin is percieved thane salaah in it is not allowed in that covering has not been achieved.
  • A woman not covering her head with the khimaar in salaah and not covering her feet. The ‘aurah of the swoman in the sallah is her entire body with the exception of her face. Nor is there any harm if she covers her face due to the passing by of men or the like. It is obligatory for her to wear a khimaar which is a head covering that also covers the bosom. This according to his (sallallahu ‘aliahi wa sallam) statement: Allah does not accept the salaah of the menstruating female unless she is wearing a khimaar. [Collected by Ahmed and the collectors of the six most authentic books except An-Nisaa’i and it has be authenticated by Ibn Khuzaimah and others. It is also obligatory that she cover the tops of her feet in compliance with the hadeeth “The entire woman is ‘auwrah” Collected by At-Tirmidhee with an authentic isnaad. Along this same meaning is what is transmitted by Malik and abu Dawood and others from Muhammad Ibn Said Inb Qunfudh from his mother who asked Umm Salamah (radiallahu ‘anhaa), the wife of the Prophet (sallallahu‘alaihi wa sallam), about what garment a woman should pray in. She answered: She should pray in a khimaar and a full, loose-fitting chemise that conceals the tops of her feet. Also with this meaning is the hadeeth of Umm Salamah: Lower it by an arms length.
(Saalih Ibn Abdul-Azeez Ibn Muhammad Aalish-Shaykh)

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